$1 Horrific Psychological Thriller Deal and Free Suspense Thriller book for Kindle


$1 Horrific Psychological Thriller Deal for Kindle
$1 Horrific Psychological Thriller Deal
  1. Kane’s Cross: Witchfinder (Deal, Not Free) by Elizabeth Wixley. Price: $0.99. Genre: Psychological Thriller Deal, Sponsor, Psychological Thrillers, Horror. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. 266 pages. ASIN: B013F1ZLW2. Reviewers like it: This is truly an outstanding novel! The mix of characters is impressive and they all have an important role to play. It is full of descriptions that made me gasp! Just when the reader is finally able to breath, another twist comes up! Most highly recommended!
  2. Lightly Does the Whisper Fall (Commerce with the Dead Book 1) by Catherine Scott Britt. Price: Free. Genre: Thrillers, Suspense, Crime. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. 236 pages. ASIN: B00G3RBG5W.